
Sensing Installation (看这里还没有改好哦)

Sensing Installation (看这里还没有改好哦)

Can you transfer the pulse from plants?

Can you transfer the pulse from plants?

Project Details

The diversity of nature is the first and foremost condition for human exploration and access to the environment. Plants can communicate and exchange information through pheromones and in ways that humans cannot perceive. In modern environments, with industrialization and urbanization, the semantics of nature have been stripped away from the structure and perception of ecosystems. People prefer to abstractly understand the symbiotic relationship between nature and humans in the form of data. We try to create a scenario of scientific analysis, borrowing the concept of spectral analysis and combining mechanical parts with soil. By organically combining the natural elements of plants, extracting abstract information elements and presenting them visually, we try to understand nature from multiple perspectives with a speculative attitude. Want to continue exploring epiphytes

Project Timeline

Project Type


My Contribution


Interaction Design

Yutong Zhu


© 2023 Yutong Zhu

© 2023 Yutong Zhu