Digital Narrative based on Responsive web pages design

Digital Narrative based on Responsive web pages design

What role has the moon played in human culture and history?

What role has the moon played in human culture and history?

Project Details

This work is conceived as a pseudo-archive from the future, dramatizing the narrative that the moon, once a living entity, was rendered lifeless by the march of science and the exploratory practices of humanity. It was forgotten by human civilization and left to a metaphorical death. Through critical thinking, the piece attempts to address whether the systematic and parameterized definitions employed by modern science have impacted the continuity of culture itself and dealt a destructive blow to the shaping of our cognition.

Project Timeline

Project Type


My Contribution



Yutong Zhu

responsive web design

We have reason to believe that this astral body called the Moon was once a living organism

© 2023 朱宇同

© 2023 朱宇同